Sunday, April 10, 2011

Long time

It's been a long time since I have written anything- I tried a few times and my computer was being stupid. Then every time I wanted to write something it was about my negative feelings and being in the dumps and I didn't want to post that much negativity...

So happy things :-D Annabelle is doing so awesome. She is still working hard with her therapies at home and started some PT in addition to OT. She started rolling over on her own and now gets allllll over the place that way and gets into things that way! She also started doing some sort of army crawling that has resulted in forward movement on her belly- when she first started it was hilarious to watch, she looked like a fish out of water, rolling onto her left "bad" side and launching off of that. She's becoming more coordinated and expending less energy to get around that way, which is good, but will still default to the easier rolling if we're not forcing it on her.

She's also pulling up to a stand off of a "seated bench" position. She likes to fall to the left because of the weakness and refusal to use her left hand (improving though! She'll put some weight on it now). We just got her a DAFO for her left b/c she puts all her weight on her heel and inverts at the ankle. She got some super cute sparkly pink sneakers to match and fit over the orthotic too. We tried it out yesterday and she seemed a lot more stable standing with it on. It also made it easier to make her cruise along the table (she won't do it on her own, we move her legs, but I think she's more comfortable with us doing that now)

My hopes for the next few months are improved mobility- I know she's far from walking on her own but she'll get there, I'd love for her army crawl to be even more efficent. I'd also love for her to be more stable just standing on her own, we'll see. My other goal is increased communication. I'd perfer in the verbal form but I'll take what we can get. She can sign a little bit which is fabulous (not even a year old yet!) and she says "head". I want to hear "mama" and in the correct context :-) Her PT is a bit more ambitious than I am, she wants Annabelle crawling up the stairs by September, I'll hope and work towards it of course but I'm skeptical.

First birthday is coming, I'm going nuts with it and having so much fun!

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