Friday, November 19, 2010

Lots Has Happened

My girl is now 6mos old... and lots has happened.

1. Development- Despite her horrific imaging (if ya saw it you might say, how does she do anything?!?) we're pretty close to being right on track developmentally. Almost sitting up on our own and at this point working on strengthening her torso, she's a bit weak on the left. She's holding her big 'ol head up real well and is using her left had a bit more!!! She's babbling a lot and says- "thhhh", "bababa", "popopo" and "blahlblahlblah" (it's weird but really cute)

2. Hydrocephalus- Speaking of her big 'ol head, its apparently getting bigger. We didn't think it was but she's in that magical grey zone. Her neurosurgeon is still sitting on it but he's pretty sure we're going to need a shunt placed in the next few months :-( bummer.

3. Eyes crossing- Finally saw the eye doctor, he thinks her vision is pretty good in the left and not so much in the right. Soooo, we're patching the good eye and seeing what happens. She'll probably need surgery on the eye muscles to correct all the crossing (even though she's cute when she does it).

4. Therapy- I fired our early intervention OT and we went private and we LOVE her!!! She works great with Annabelle and has some great ideas. I just wish we had more time to do therapies at home. By the time we get back from work and daycare we barely have time to eat solids (oh yeah, we did phenomenally well with that too!), play, get ready for bed and take a bedtime bottle let alone get in tummy time, sit up time, rocking time and ball time (for that torso) and vision stuff- I need more hours in a day :-P

5. Work- Jimmy is working hard on his research and teaching labs, busy busy. I went back to work in July and front loaded my schedule, it was good most day- I kept nice and busy without too much time to think about everything, just doing. Now things are a bit more mellow and I'm thinking a bit more and dealing with those things as they come- it's hard. But then we pick Annabelle up from "school" and everything is good again, I go back into by bubble and I'm happy :-)

That's most of it, like anyone else good days and bad days, we'll see what happens next.

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