Monday, January 20, 2014

SDR day #4

Yesterday was post-op day #4, it was Sunday so a "day off", not that we have done a ton of therapy or anything yet. In any case it consisted of a lot of playing up in the play room, reading and movies.  She's moving amazingly well on her own when she's doing her free play. She loves the play room so I am using it as incentive to throw no fits in therapy today. 

I'm a bit concerned about today- we transfer to the rehab service and start our intensive therapy portion of our hospital stay. 3hrs total of PT/OT throughout the day. Does not really sound like a lot but when you're 3 years old and your attitude is highly dependent on how tired you are and there needs to be food and a nap in there too our day is going to be pretty full.  Last night I tried to avoid valium for bedtime and someone was wide awake!!! At 11p I broke down and got her some, she was out within 20min.  That is why I'm concerned about therapy today. Tired Annabelle is a disaster when trying to do therapy- saying "no" a lot, total meltdowns and just laying on the floor. 

Since I know better, we have talked about earning playroom time and movie time for the evening by doing good listening and no fits. I am going to try with every fiber of my being while we are here to get her on regular schedule, she does so much better when she knows what is coming and has her routine (who doesn't).

Excellent crawling

OT goal from the other day- up on high knees
all on her own!
Pain has continued to be under control. We lost our IV the other day so we have been on all orals for the past 2 days- Ibuprofen, Tylenol, oxycodone and valium. Like I said, we've been trying to avoid the narcotics and the IBU seems to cover her discomfort better anyway. She sometimes will say her back is owie and she needs medicine but 2 seconds later she will be bouncing around in her bed so it is hard to tell just how "owie" she is.

Right now we are just waiting for our first big OT session, here goes nothin'!

Singing "Part of Your World"
while doing her Dinglehopper

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